6 Things An Evolved Woman Wants From A Man

The Author
Chelsie Diadhiou

About Me

Chelsie Diadhiou is a New York based writer, editor, and mother on a mission to inspire women to use their innate power to consciously create dynamic lives. From motherhood and sexuality, to lifestyle and culture, she explores various themes in her quest to stimulate thought provoking discussion about what it means to be a woman in today’s world. Her philosophy is that everything a woman does must come from a space deep within.


“An evolved woman wants a man who is ready to grow with her.”

We have come a long way since the days of our grandmothers.

For these women, marriage and family were the primary goals in life and they often settled for the first man that came along.

Nowadays, women want more out of life – and love!

Over the last few generations, women have made great strides in the world, including their careers and their relationships.

The women’s liberation movement sought to level the playing field in the work place and society in general. As a result, today women are confidently handling both their finances and matters of the heart!

“No longer are we content to settle when it comes to the kind of relationships we desire..”

..nor are we willing to stay in relationships where we are unhappy.

I guess you could say we have evolved!

6 Things A Highly Evolved Woman Wants From A Man


So let’s explore what an evolved woman wants from a man.

#1 She Wants Him To Be Confident

An evolved woman wants a man whose power is sourced from within, and who relies only on his own merits and has confidence in his innate gifts.

“She is not impressed by his fancy clothes, flashy car, or the number of zeros in his bank account.”

Some men confuse confidence with cockiness and arrogance, but that is actually a turn off for an evolved woman.

What turns her all the way on is a man who is sure of himself and his abilities, and is grounded in his Divine masculine power!

“Nothing is sexier and more of a turn on to a conscious, evolved woman than a truly confident man.”

What moves her most is his warrior Spirit!

MUST READ: How To Become A Fr**king Hot Guy

#2 She Wants Him To Be Passionate About Life


An evolved woman wants her man to have a life outside of their relationship. The more pleasure he experiences in his life, the more pleasure he will naturally bring to their relationship!

“An evolved woman is turned on by a man who loves the life he lives.”

She does not want him to seek happiness in her, but to create his own life of bliss. She wants him to be just as excited about his life without her as he is with the life they share.

“Passion in life is directly linked to passion in bed!”

Not only does she support him having a life of his own, she actually encourages it because she knows that he will bring that same excitement and passion to their relationship… and to the bedroom!

MUST READ: Why Sometimes We Women Simply Can’t Feel You Inside Of Us (No Matter The Size Of Your Penis)

#3 She Wants His Whole Heart

The path to intimacy begins in the heart, and that requires surrender to vulnerability.

“An evolved woman wants a man who understands that intimacy is more than just sex.”

In order to truly love a man, a woman must feel and know his heart.

This can be an issue because boys are often raised to see vulnerability as a weakness (nothing could be further from the truth).

As a result, they grow up to become men who guard their hearts, closing them off from experiencing full and deep intimacy.

Vulnerability requires a great deal of courage (a masculine attribute), which comes from the Latin word ‘cor,’ meaning heart. Contrary to popular belief, the courage to live (and act) from the heart is a sign of bravery and masculinity.

And there is nothing an evolved woman loves more than a masculine man!

MUST READ: The Vulnerability of Penetration

#4 She Wants Him To Honor Her Feminine Wisdom


Feminine energy is a misunderstood (yet powerful) resource for both women and men. Due to centuries of mis-education, the true role of the feminine in the world has been close to forgotten.

For far too long, women’s opinions and voices have gone mostly unheard, and their innate wisdom unrecognized.

Fortunately, many women today are reconnecting with their feminine nature, and aligning with their innate gifts. Even men are being re-educated on the strength and importance of feminine energy!

“There is a power and a presence in a woman that is connected to her femininity. And she desires a man that recognizes, honors, and respects that power.”

She wants his support and encouragement as she develops into the fullest expression of her feminine energy.

An evolved woman wants a man who is not only unafraid of the power of her feminine wisdom, but welcomes it (knowing that he too will benefit from it)!

#5  She Wants Him To Surrender

This is a tricky one for men. By nature, most men are guarded, as this is one of many attributes of masculine energy.

They are guarded by a psychological kind of armor – necessary for war, not love.

“An evolved woman wants a man who isn’t afraid to let his guard down and leave his armor on the battlefield when he is with her.”

In order to truly connect, one must be willing to surrender – not to the other person, but to love itself.

For the evolved woman, the only kind of man for her is a soldier of love!

MUST READ: Sexy Consciously Awake Women: Who We Are, What We Want & Need From Men

#6 She Wants Him Committed – To Himself And To Her


Most women want a commitment. However, the key to a lasting commitment is, first and foremost, a commitment to oneself. A consciously evolved woman wants a man who isn’t afraid to commit – to life or to love.

“A commitment to his own growth and evolution ensures that he will support and encourage hers.

She wants a man who is committed first to himself, then to her!

She Wants To Evolve With Her Man

Personal growth and self-development are of primary importance to an evolved woman. She seeks to grow mentally, spiritually, and personally – in life and in love – and she wants a partner who is ready to grow alongside her.

What her heart desires most is an equally evolved man.

What an evolved woman wants most of all is to continue to evolve – with her man.

By Chelsie Diadhiou | Featured Artist: Rolf Armstrong

This article is written as a response to 6 Things An Evolved Man Wants From A Woman. Don’t miss out on it!

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